Jarvis and the SuperFox
I got word that the Jarvis N5J operation got underway last night and first thing this morning saw that they were QRV on 17 meters. I fired up the new WSJT-X software in SuperFox mode and settled in to watch the action. Copy was easy and I observed their signal slowly build until by my 2nd cup of coffee I decided to jump into the fray.
Thirty minutes later they were in the log. 100 watts and a 17-foot ground mounted vertical was all the mojo I had available on this band today. The result was gratifying. Working them on the first full day of operation with such a modest setup is a good sign and I expect many DXers will be doing the happy dance after getting this 17th most wanted (9th in Europe) in the world into their logs.
Note ⁍ The DXpedition clearly shows the “verified” notification. I was able to copy as many as 7 reply streams at one time so any earlier reported issues with the software seems to have been corrected.