Friday the 13th
Here’s hoping you’re not superstitous on this Friday the 13th, the first of two Friday the 13ths (the other one is in December) in 2024. If you’re a little worried about it, here’s help. Good luck!
The next full Moon will occur on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 10:34 p.m. Eastern time (7:34 p.m. Pacific). September’s full Moon, the Full Harvest Moon, will be the second supermoon of four in a row.
Is it just me or have you too noticed the early proliferation of Halloween this year? Curmudgeons always complain about reatail stores putting the Christmas stuff out too early, but an awful lot of my neighbors got busy installing Halloween displays before the last July 4th firework hit the ground.
What’s up with that?
I’m not really surprised with the pumpkin spice being trotted out a few weeks ago. It’s everyone’s favorite flavor, at least for a season, and I’ve enjoyed several tasty lattes so far and will likely get another today. I did run into one coffee shop though that had already run out of the flavoring, and this early in the pumpkin season, yikes!
Happy weekend - see you in the SKCC Weekend Sprint!