All of hamdom has by now seen the video (16:10) where one ARRL Director revealed a few additional details surrounding the cyber attack on the ARRL. The lack of competence at the IT level is shocking, the lack of management oversight even more so. I wrote a scathing post blaspheming the organization in a way that made my breath smell of brimstone then deleted it. Opinions don’t matter. ARRL is a product of the 20th century whose best days were 75 years ago.

Sadly, it never made the transition into the 21st century and never will.

The way this one Director opened up is curious and not typical behavior. We are much more used to obfuscation and stonewalling from Newington in the face of bad news. It makes me a little suspicious that this might be some sort of preemptive public relations move? Historically, a Director who speaks out like this ends up afoul of some obscure “ethics” rule and is quickly excommunicated.

We will see…

All this has taken my interest and subsequent focus off ARRL awards, including DXCC, and LoTW. I’m a Life Member so there won’t be any dramatic door slamming exit for me. With profuse apologies to The Old Man, I just don’t care anymore about the ARRL or the thick fog of incompetence that has settled over the entire organization. Life is too short.