Letting Go
Amateur radio is imbued with hundreds and hundreds of organizations representing the many varied interests of its adherents. These seem to grow like weeds in springtime and some of them are as old as the hobby itself. Local clubs, contest clubs, DX organizations, service organizations, etc. A LOT of busy work takes place between the lines in our hobby whether you see it or not. But there are more than a handful of legacy organizations who no longer add value to the body politic and at some point, should be terminated.
That rarely happens.
These may have become unnecessary and irrelevant due to the passage of time and technology and are often supported by good folks, exhausting themselves in a vain attempt to provide palliative care as they seem unable or unwilling to permit the organization to simply die with dignity. No one wants to be the one to pull the plug, especially if the moribund organization has been around a long time.
Tell-tale signs of these zombie organizations include declining membership and the inability to execute tasks that were once considered ‘normal’ (publishing newsletters, conducting conventions, etc.) either because of inadequate funding or due to a lack of volunteers. Failing clubs and organizations often must conscript members into service in leadership roles because no one will volunteer for such positions. The inability to articulate future goals and missions is certainly another sign of fatal atrophy.
Organizations that once had a purpose, performed well, but no longer add value should be permitted to die with dignity. It’s like putting your dog down when that time comes. It’s a kindness, and the least you can do for a faithful old friend.