Old Friend Arrives
An ‘Old Friend’ arrived this week. That is the direct conversion transceiver kit from Midnight Design Solutions (designed by K1SWL). I ordered the same day they became available only to find that first round sold out in a few hours and I missed the cut. I got into the 2nd round which might have been a good thing since a firmware update was included and the enclosures are now available.
The OLD FRIEND Transceiver™ is a single-board, 6 Watt Direct-Conversion Transceiver specifically designed by Dave Benson, K1SWL for CW operation on the 80m, 40m, 30m or 20m bands.
Since the first round has been in the wind for a month or so, there has been plenty of chatter about this kit and all of it has been good. I look forward to building mine for 20 meters after the first snow has fallen.
George, N2APB whose company is kitting the project produced a demo video showcasing the new transceiver.
$63 for the transceiver kit and another $20 for the custom enclosure and orders are open right now for the third round of assembly. Get ‘em while they’re available. Order here. Online discussion about the ‘OF’ takes place here.