Morning DX Patrol
Band conditions weren’t very favorable in the pre-dawn hours this morning though a few nuggets of gold were found. I struck out on 40 CW where I could copy a POTA station (VK2IO/P) in NSW, but never received a response. Moving to 20 FT8 there were several VK’s calling but not much activity. Until FY/WE9G in French Guiana popped up in the waterfall and I managed to work him after a few calls. Strong signal into the US as you might expect. LoTW and Club Log confirmation followed in real time. That was my first FY via digital and only 2nd overall station worked in Fr. Guiana for me. I have FY5KE on several bands on CW, but that’s it. Rikk is there from November 15-23.
Also worked VI100IARU a special event station in Melbourne. Now time for coffee…