Weekly BATC Net
I enjoy the weekly BATC net that takes place every Thursday afternoon (my time). The net is conducted via QO-100 and is not directly accessible here in North America, however, it is streamed online. Having done this for a few years you begin to feel associated with the group and the individuals and the net chatter becomes more interesting the more you visit. The medium is the message here, it’s digital amateur television (DATV) and the ability to showcase a ham shack or highlight a current project, is a big draw for video users.
Whenever the time changes, as it did recently, I seem to miss the first few sessions as it’s easy to confuse the start time, and given it’s a live event, that’s a problem. But recently Ian, VK3QL has been recording the video and making it available (for a few weeks) on his YouTube channel. Being able to time-shift the net has been handy for me and I appreciate his efforts.
Full-disclosure, I am a paying member of the British Amateur Television Club and also enjoy the online forum and quarterly publication.