Retention Limited
While perusing the 2023 ARRL Annual Report I was struck by something President Rick Roderick, K5UR wrote:
According to an ARRL study, three-quarters of Technician-class licensees (who make up 51% of amateur radio operators) are inactive 1 year after getting licensed…
I knew retention was a big issue limiting the growth of amateur radio, but I had no idea it was this bad. I mean sure, some amount of someone getting into a hobby and only to discover it isn’t for them is to be expected. But 75% is an awfully big number. It’s like trying to fill a swimming pool with a four-foot hole in it with a bucket and it seems to me this deserves more attention. There is little point in focusing on other aspects of recruitment without fixing this first. It’s tossing good money after bad, uselessly burning volunteer hours that could be better directed elsewhere.
It points directly to the failure of the current Technician license structure. The time has come to re-shape this class to include more privileges to give new licensees something else to sample before they head for the exits. Time is much too valuable to waste on futile pursuits.