Look Ahead
As 2024 winds down there has been the usual year-end accounting work to wrap up. All of the logging chores for the year have been completed. My final tally for the annual DX Marathon was less impressive than I had hoped, though I still console myself with the facts that I’m a little pistol with a vertical living on a small neighborhood lot. I’ve actually continued to make good progress, just not moving the needle as much as I had hoped.
Oddly enough, I haven’t made plans for the New Year. No particular ham radio resolutions or targeted goals.
I did order tickets for the DX Banquet in Dayton, but I have no plans of visiting Hamvention for a third year. I attended several hamfests in 2024, most of them nearby, but a few required over night travel. In both cases I never spent more than 30 minutes in attendance. I walk in, walk around, then walk out. I guess I’ve seen it all in my nearly 50 years in the hobby. I quit hauling junk home a long time ago and anything new I want, I buy online and have it delivered. Yeah, I’ve become that guy. While I won’t say “never” I’d surprise myself if I ever attend another hamfest.
I’m certain a few goals will eventually emerge, I’m just not interested in leaping into ‘25, I’d prefer to ease into it, like an old man into a nice warm bath.
Working a couple of big contests, a few smaller sprints, learning to use a bug, and adding to my DX total seem like reasonable goals for an HF operator. There’s also some low-hanging fruit to be plucked. Like completing WAS on 40m where I need only Alaska or 80m where I still need Hawaii.
What do you know, a few quests remain to be had in the New Year after all…