Saturday, January 04, 2025
Woke to 10F with clear skies this morning. The temperature in the shack had fallen to 45F, the coolest I’ve seen it in here. I fired up the heater before starting the first pot of coffee and things have warmed up to 60F in here now.
Not a bad start to the New Year in the DXCC department. I’m focusing primarily on CW in ‘25 and the early results have been good.
Included in those was an ATNO which always induces happy dancing like nobody is watching in the shack. That happened when I snagged 7Q2T on ten meters. Other DX worked included EG8WWA, FY5KE, and CE2JXO. Then I caught JM7OLW and we had a nice chat until the band began to sink rapidly. In and amongst these were several World Wide Award 2025 stations, an activity that runs the entire month of January.
There will be more time for radio tomorrow (Sunday) as we are bracing for the first serious winter storm of the season with 5-6 inches of snow preceded by sleet expected. Assuming the power stays on, I shouldn’t have anything better to do than enjoy radio from the warm side of the window.