Circumlocution seems the order of the day when it comes to bad-mouthing ARRL. Or more correctly, the ARRL Board of Directors. I have a solution that will go a long way toward fixing it. Never vote for an incumbent. Always vote for someone who is not currently a Director. You can’t change the BoD by always electing the same idiot. If every single ARRL member would vote in their next election for the guy who is not currently in that role, in a few years there would be a completely new slate of Directors. Maybe just as bad, maybe worse. But it’s all you can do. Only a moron would believe that dropping their membership will “help”. You want to fix it, you have to be a member. If you’re not a member, STFU, you have no say.

My guess, few will choose this path. According to most polls 80% or more Americans think the government is lousy. Yet they continue to re-elect the same politicians over and over. Your congressman could rape babies in Times Square yet you and everyone in your district will vote for him again. About 90% of incumbents are re-elected, it’s their super power. Once they get in they never get out – unless they can find a better way to steal from the till.

No, voters in America believe every political problem is due to YOUR representatives, not THEIR representatives. Same goes for ARRL Directors. Mine is good, yours is the turd in the punchbowl. Why? People are basically stupid.