Saturday, January 18, 2025
Rain this morning, but right on the verge of snow. It’s 35F now and has been raining for several hours. It got up to 40F yesterday with sunshine which took it’s toll on the accumulated snow here. I had some hope that once the rain started to fall the rest of the snow would melt too. Gonna have to wait until daylight so I can better observe conditions. But conditions will soon change, a Polar Vortex is on its way which could make things a bit more interesting.
I’ve gotten into the habit of jotting down local WX conditions, especially the temperature first thing every morning because it’s one of those universal topics of conversation. I also make note of the temp in Celsius given its global use. On the same Post-It note I include a reminder about time. Seems elemental sure, but if I had a dollar for every time I’ve sent “GM” (good morning) to a station in Europe where it’s already afternoon, well, I’d have a lot of dollars. I find a little organizational QSO prep a benefit. I’m getting older and memory is a perishable asset, written reminders are good things.
I did manage to log a few DX stations yesterday, two of them in the ongoing WWA event, both in Europe. This isn’t an active quest on my part, just something to do while stalking ATNOs. I also enjoyed a 10 meter QSO with Laci, OM2VL in Slovakia. I had previously worked him on phone in 2022 and CW in 2015.
He didn’t seem to mind the dupe…