Quarter Century Wireless Association is offering an Introductory 90-day Full Membership for qualifying applicants for only $3.00.

That’s right; three dollars! This offer is limited to Amateurs licensed in 2000 or before and who have never been QCWA Members, as well as those whose membership expired before February 2024. We’re so confident you will like what you see and recognize many friends that you will renew for an extended term. You will enjoy access to our extensive website full of historical data and receive The QCWA Journal for three months, participate in any voting situation, and qualify to belong to a Chapter. Your Full Membership privileges will allow you to print from our library cadre, QCWA’s exclusive and frame-worthy, beautiful Amateur License Longevity Certificates from 25 Years and up in 5-year increments. If you are among the most elite, you can obtain our “50 Year Continuously Licensed Award.” Purchase wonderful merchandise and attractive apparel in our store and even personally recommend any (licensed) Student to receive one of more than a dozen QCWA scholarships, typically valued at $3000.

FYI: I am a Life Member of the QCWA.