February has been a productive month at the key. Not only did I manage to crash the DXCC CW barrier early in the month, I’ve added to that total significantly since then. I applied for those credits on the 3rd and have yet to get anything back. But the early slug is in the pipeline now with another to follow if the DXCC Desk ever gets round to it.

Updated totals worked for this year:

I’m pleased with my results for the first two months of the year. The totals includes ten Phone contacts in the SCQP earlier this month. There should be a lot more (phone) next month as I intend to participate in the ARRL DX contest this weekend where I need nearly everything on Phone. My current DXCC Phone total is standing at a paltry 54 confirmed. But having achieved DXCC Mixed, CW, and Digital, now I think I need to try and finish off Phone.

I worked about a dozen POTA activators during the month. All via CW and all at five watts. I decided dropping to QRP as a chaser created a little more interest for me. Working ‘em at 100 watts or more is too much like shooting fish in a barrel, no fun. The downside is when I forget I dialed back the RF and call someone in Europe. They still hear me, but sometimes it takes a few calls.

As with last month, all contacts were made using the Elecraft K4 at 100 watts (and much less) into a 17-foot ground mounted vertical with a single radial on the ground.

More wire and much more fire still to come.