Working the Phone
The ARRL International DX Contest SSB took place last weekend. Having had little interest in chasing DX using phone to this point, my current DXCC total is weak. Once again I figured I would cherry pick a few needed stations without concern for the contest score. Conditions weren’t the best I’ve ever seen though 10 meters was a happy place. During a couple hours of slowly picking and choosing I ended up working 65 stations, none of them ATNOs, but these will boost my totals, if they confirm.
These have been trickling into LoTW at a slow enough rate that it’s hard for me to say yet if the effort was worth it. I sent off a small bundle of confirmations to the DXCC desk more than a month ago and haven’t had a response. They say they have caught up from the Great Hack of 2024, but I’m not sure that’s accurate. In any event, I have one more batch to send off then I’m going to take a break from fretting over DXCC. The contacts remain fun and exciting, but the effort required to obtain confirmations still puts me off the game.