Tossed Salad
Years ago there was the Palm Pico paddle and hams drooled all over them at FDIM. Then there wasn’t, and much gnashing of teeth was observed. I caught a rumor that the Palm line of paddles is being sold again by DL9SCO and I don’t know if this is ‘new’ news or ‘old’ news. I’m confused. If you’re looking, here’s how to find them.
The 2025 Novice Rig Roundup is currently underway and will be through Sunday.
A new web-based DX cluster, DX Data is now available claiming to make finding the DX you’re interested in a little easier, with a clean interface, instant updates, and plenty of filtering options. The new service pulls in DX spots from both DXSpider and Reverse Beacon Network (RBN), “giving users the most comprehensive view possible of what’s happening on the bands”. It also provides streaming real-time updates using WebSockets, so you never have to refresh the page.
VU4AX - DXpedition to Andaman Island is on the horizon and was the topic of discussion on the latest edition of The DX Mentor podcast (S3E61). The team, consisting of 12 experienced operators, will be active around the clock on multiple bands from 10m to 160m, including WARC + 60m, using CW, SSB, and DIGI modes. They will operate six stations, transporting 1,150kg of meticulously prepared equipment to ensure the best possible experience.
DOGEmaster Musk declares 2027 the year the ISS should be retired. If that turns out to be the case, hams have about two years left to take any advantage of the FM repeater and APRS digi station on orbit.