With Hamvention a mere nine weeks away, one can’t help but wonder how the economic downturn and general America First nastiness might impact attendance. After all, we are shedding trillions of dollars of wealth in the stock market and many leading indicators are pointing toward a major slowdown in the economy.

Of course, our hobby is an insignificant niche in the global economy, still, the higher cost of travel and growing fears about the overall health of the economy, including potential cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security is doubtless puckering the sphincters of many in the fraternity just as they are making decisions about attending Dayton this year.

And then there are our Canadian friends and neighbors. Who would be surprised if none of them made the annual pilgrimage considering the way Agent Krasnov insults their nation on a daily basis? My guess is the attendance of hams from outside the US (besides Canada) will be down too, for all the same reasons. Even if the economy was sound, the epitomization of The Ugly American is fully incarnate in the current US administration - and among its many supporters.

Make Americans Decent Again