Happy New Year! Survive until ‘25 was a popular mantra. Now what?

The 2024 blog posts have been archived and the new files for 2025 have been spun up. I’m writing this with a few hours remaining in ‘24 so the numbers aren’t quite precise, but the stats at the moment show 56,867 unique visitors last year with 226,494 pages served up and 7.77Gb of server bandwidth consumed. I appreciate your continued attention to the bleating’s of this old goat!

Inspiration. Re-reading yesterday’s Look Ahead I may have put too negative a spin on the coming New Year. It wasn’t my intent to make it seem gloomy, I was actually going for bland since I had no specific resolutions for 2025. But inspiration comes in many forms and today I read the rear-view mirror by VE9KK, a year-end summation of his radio activity and now I’m inspired. Mike has been focused on CW-only lately and has been piling up enviable results in successive years. Having yet to make a contact in 2025, right now seems like a good time to shift my own focus back to CW. Thanks Mike!